Product Scope 7 provides a combination of tools for keeping track of comparative product information, places to buy, manufacturers, product images; located on the Internet and on local storage drives. Exciting new simplified user interface - Most major features in a easy to use toolbar on each browse! Very resourceful for Profile Exchanges, Comparative Shopping and Internet Bookmarks. Imaging Tools - Image editor, Image Viewers. File Search - Any file type, text within files, image preview with zoom, Copy, Move, Launch! Spreadsheet - Send product data and pricing with totals directly to spreadsheet! Products Browse with all Links, three price quotes, Image and Memo! Custom Views - Customize fields to display, quickly sort a single field! Database convenience for tracking product, manufacturer, and place to buy information. Serve as an alternative address book for your email program. Search All text fields including memos to find a particular Product or Vendor FAST! Associate Product Prices with International Currencies. Basic File Management for Downloading Files From The Web and Installation. View all the products produced by a single company in a list, view products by price range, view all products in a certain category, etc. Then launch your browser and view information locally or on the Internet. In addition, keep information stored in multiple folders for even greater flexibility.